It's summer and time to hang clothes out to dry. If you are fortunate enough to have a place to hang clothes to dry, this is what you need to make getting to the clothespins easy. It has yellow lemons and green limes with a yellow stripe on a white background and is lined with the same fabric throughout. This clothes pin bag is perfect for keeping all your clothes pins together. Whether you use clothes pins for an inside or outside line or in your laundry room, this will come in handy. Nothing smells fresher than fabric that has been air dried outside or inside.
Can also be used for general organization throughout your home. Makes a thoughtful and useful gift for any occassion. You could also just use for a decoration to hold other things like baby diapers, cosmetic items, plastic bags, used in a college dorm or anything that you need to keep organized in one place.
Machine wash and dry after removing hanger.
White hanger is included but not guaranteed against breakage from the post office. It can be replaced with a toddler's size hanger.